Quincy Byrd: A man who shows up.
Quincy has shown up to serve the past six years. We have an opportunity on Nov. 2 to show up and vote to keep diversity of people on our council, and support someone whose only motive is to serve our community.
Quincy Byrd: A balanced leader
For the good of the Holland community, we must re-elect Quincy Byrd to Holland City Council.
Top 10 reasons why we support Quincy for city council
For the good of the Holland community, we must re-elect Quincy Byrd to Holland City Council.
Re-Elect Quincy Byrd
For the good of the Holland community, we must re-elect Quincy Byrd to Holland City Council.
Vote for Byrd.
Please join me in supporting Quincy Byrd in his re-election bid as council member at-large, representing all of Holland.
Byrd is the best fit for City Council.
For the good of the Holland community, we must re-elect Quincy Byrd to Holland City Council.