Vote for Byrd.
By Myron “Mike” Trethewey, Holland City Council
Holland Sentinel
I would like to thank all my constituents of Ward I for the support I have received over my many years as an elected official. My hope and prayer is that you will show that same respect and support to Tim Vreeman as your next council person.
I am writing this as a soon-to-be private citizen not as a council member. I am not speaking for council or representing them.
I have watched over the past six years since his appointment and subsequent re-election how much Quincy Byrd has grown in his dedication to the citizens of Holland. Quincy has served his country in the Army and has lived, survived and grown through many of life's challenges that many of us can only relate to from anecdotes. He is a strong person of faith and is steadfast in his convictions
Quincy can analyze situations, concerns and challenges brought before council through a different lens, giving unique perspectives. He knows how to listen. He knows how to speak for those who don't always have a voice. Quincy knows how and when to ask the tough questions. Quincy is a team player, but is not afraid to stand by his convictions and beliefs. He always has the city's best interests in mind.
Please join me in supporting Quincy Byrd in his re-election bid as council member at-large, representing all of Holland.