Re-Elect Quincy Byrd

By Mihai Craioveanu
Holland Sentinel

Please consider re-electing Quincy Byrd for the at-large Holland City Council position.

As an African-American, Quincy Byrd applied four years ago for the vacancy left by then-Mayor Nancy DeBoer because he believed minorities need to be an active voice in city government.

Byrd served on the police and community relations, and the West Michigan Airport Authority, as well as providing thoughtful opinions and assessments related to energy and sustainability. Byrd was a strong proponent and supporter of the BPW power plant transition from coal to natural gas and continues to work tirelessly for improved and new clean energy sources for our city.

Quincy Byrd was a strong voice in city council to protect the single-family residential zones when the proposal of rezoning threatened their survival, and at a time when there was a strong push to completely revamp the entire zoning structure by the planning commission and city council. Thanks to his courageous stance backed by the overwhelming majority of Holland residents, these zones were finally protected.

Byrd is married to Sara and the two have four children. He overcame many challenges in his life and has moved on from being homeless to helping others.

He is a proud husband, father, youth mentor and Army veteran.

I strongly support Quincy Byrd for re-election to Holland City Council. I hope you give his candidacy serious consideration.


Top 10 reasons why we support Quincy for city council


Byrd has my vote.