Quincy Byrd: A man who shows up.
By Lisa Kasten
Holland Sentinel
Both candidates running for councilman at-large are both good men, running for very different reasons.
One is running to bring awareness to issues he cares about and the other is running to listen and serve the people of Holland. I am aware of the issue many people have with Quincy Byrd and a sole vote that he is now being judged by.
Quincy worked to ensure that churches and nonprofits could not be sued through the passage of those special rights. He was told there were no guaranteed protections, so by the time the vote took place, he voted no.
I personally will not vote for anyone who has a personal agenda, but for the candidate whose only agenda is to serve. Quincy will be the first person to tell you he did not want to be in politics. He feels called to this service and wants to give back to a community.
Quincy has consistently voted in favor of climate initiatives and efforts to bring more affordable housing projects to Holland. This community has asked for more inclusion and diversity, but there is no diversity of opinion when Quincy’s opponent is of the same voice currently on council.
At a recent League of Women Voters candidate forum, Quincy had a really great response to the question of how we can be a more inclusive community, and what needs to be done to make that happen. He explained what he has already done to further those efforts and then spoke some truth when he said: “People also have to show up.”
Quincy has shown up to serve the past six years. We have an opportunity on Nov. 2 to show up and vote to keep diversity of people on our council, and support someone whose only motive is to serve our community.